ESHHS 2014: Call for Papers online!

The European Society for the History of Human Sciences (ESHHS) invites submissions to its annual conference to be held at University of Oulu, Finland, 22 July to 25 July 2014.

Papers, posters, symposia, or workshops may deal with any aspect of the history of the behavioral, human, and social sciences. The programme committee particularly encourages submissions that cover the whole range of the human sciences, including the history of psychology, psychiatry and medicine, but also history of sociology, anthropology, criminology, philology and historiography. We also welcome submissions that deal with theoretical or methodological issues.

Please see the ESHHS Call for Papers Oulu 2014 for details!

From Germany to Finland!

IMG_4443Thanks to our host Armin Stock, head of the Adolf-Würth Center for the History of Psychology, we spend four wonderful days with inspiring presentations and debates in Würzburg and enjoyed the city’s wonderful atmosphere and gastronomy.

Those who could not attend the conference can find some impressions of the opening ceremony, the welcome reception as well as the conference dinner here. We are happy to announce that the next conference will be held in Oulu, Finland and will be hosted by the society’s current president Petteri Pietikainen. Further informations about the next conference will be coming soon!

Preliminary programme & reminder to pay you dues

Thanks to the hard work of local organizer prof. dr. Armin Stock and our programme committee, the preliminary programme for our 2013 conference in Würzburg is now available. You can find it through this link to the conference website.

Also, allow us to gently remind you to pay your annual dues. Each contribution is appreciated and helps us to financially support those who need it to come to our conference. Thank you for contributing!

Würzburg 2013: Conference site

As you might have read in our last mailing, Armin Stock has launched a website for our upcoming conference in Würzburg. You’ll find information there on the conference location and the program, on accomodation and how to get there. There is also a very helpful document with information on interesting sites, museums, guided tours around Würzburg and so on.

The conferencesite contains a web form which makes registration for the conference very easy. The conference site and the registration form can be found through this link: ESHHS Conference 2013

Würzburg 2013: Call for Papers

We are glad to announce the call for papers for our 2013 conference in Würzburg

Proposals are welcome for spoken papers, posters, workshops and symposia, and should be submitted before March 31st, 2013.

More information can be found in the document that can be dowloaded through the following link.

Würzburg 2013 Call for Papers (.pdf)