Statement of the ESHHS board

It is with great concern and horror that we watch a humanitarian crisis unfold before our eyes in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion by the Russian army on February 24. Since its foundation in the 1980s, the ESHHS has striven to build a truly inclusive scholarly community that bridges East and West, and integrates different language areas and political camps. It pains us to see that these bridges are once again threatened by war.

In the face of violence, our scholarly work may at first glance seem to be of little help in halting events. But even though the ESHHS’s mission is primarily of a scientific and not a political nature, the board of the ESHHS will do everything it can to keep the connections between West and East alive and to foster peaceful intellectual exchange across geographical and linguistic borders.

We would like to express our deepest solidarity and sympathy to all our colleagues in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, but also to all those colleagues in Russia who do not agree with the decisions of their leaders but see no possibility of expressing their views without facing fierce repression. We would like to declare explicitly that all people, from all nationalities, will always be welcome in the ESHHS community for a peaceful exchange of knowledge.

The board of the ESHHS
Jannes Eshuis, President
Kim Hajek, Treasurer
Ivan Flis, Secretary
Martin Wieser, Communications Officer

ESHHS 2022 Conference

We are happy to announce that the next conference of the ESHHS will be held in Berlin, Germany, from August 30 to September 2. The conference will be hosted at Sigmund Freud Private University, which is located at the former airport Tempelhof. We are happy to meet you there! All relevant details about the conference, including the Call for Abstracts, can be found here.

European Yearbook for the History of Psychology – Call for Papers

Dear colleagues,

The seventh volume of the European Yearbook for the History of Psychology. Sources, Theories, and Models (EYHP), year 2021, is currently in press (see the homepage of the journal)

The eight volume is scheduled to appear in late 2022. The journal is structured in the following sections: Original Essays, Short Papers, Unpublished and Archival Material, Discussions, Interviews, and Book Reviews.

There is still some space left to accommodate Original Essays (6,000-9,000 words in length, including footnotes) and Short Papers (2,500-4,000 words), one more contribution in the section Unpublished and Archival Material, and book reviews (2000 words).

Contributions to all sections should be written in English. The only exception is made for the section Unpublished and Archival Material, in which case unpublished material should be presented in its original language, preceded by an introductory note in English.

All contributions should be sent to the following mail address: The deadline for new contributions is March 31, 2022.

ESHHS 2021 Conference and the future

As our second virtual conference ended last week, we are happy to report that the virtual format worked very well and facilitated many interesting talks, debates and exchange of ideas, which you can also see in the book of abstracts which is also online.

We are also happy to announce that David Robertson was awarded the Early Career Award for this year. Congratulations!

In regards to next year’s conference, we are still in the process of planning and will keep you updated as soon as our plans become more concrete. we wish you a relaxing summer and look forward to seeing you again – hopefully in real life – next year!

Upcoming Cheiron Meeting in June

Dear Colleagues,

The Review Committee and Program Chairs of Cheiron (The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences) are pleased to announce the opening of registration for its 53rd Annual Meeting to be held using a virtual format from Tuesday, June 15 through Thursday, June 17, 2021.

The Registration Form and the Preliminary Program can be found on the Cheiron webpage at:

For any questions, please contact the Program Chairs:  Larry Stern: and Barbara Stern:

Cheiron & ESHHS Joint Virtual Meeting

Dear friends and members of the ESHHS and Cheiron,

we are happy to announce that our joint meeting will be held soon, from July 9 to 11. In order to participate and access information, you are supposed to register at the following site: Also, you are welcome to take a look at the Program and the Book of Abstracts.

Registration is free; however, members whose financial position permits are encouraged to pay dues and/or donate to the respective society funds, as a way to support student participation in our activities.

We are looking forward to connecting with many of you online in July! If you have any questions, please email the organizers at cheiron.eshhs.2020(at)